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Our Three Pillars

Our mission is to implement food and water security in order to build climate resiliency for Rancho Sekkan and surrounding communities. We strive to serve as a practical example of responsible stewardship of the earth.

For that, we partner with local and international experts to implement best practices to create a self-sustainable community that brings hope and extends its practical applications to surrounding communities and beyond.


Biodynamic Farming

Biodynamics is rooted in the work of philosopher and scientist Dr. Rudolf Steiner whose 1924 lectures to farmers opened a new and innovative way to farm based on a spiritual scientific understanding of the natural world. Dr. Steiner described how earthly, cosmic and spiritual forces work together to bring about the living world. A holistic approach is embraced when all aspects of the farm depend on and nurture each other. From the spiritual forces streaming down into the plants, being digested by the animals, informing the farmer, penetrating the soil and
then returning to the cosmos, a circle of earthly and spiritual life is maintained. Biodynamic farming strives to heal the earth while providing living food to eat.These principles form the core of our values at Sekkan where we are committed to developing healthy healing farming practices both on the land and in our community.



Permaculture and Water Harvesting

We have recently joined the Village Water Harvesting and Reforestation project in San Miguel de Allende.

Our goal is to become the first biodynamic farming community to have a full water harvesting system while contributing to the replenishment of the water table and reforestation project coordinated with the municipal government of San Miguel de Allende, local NGOs, and other


Community Living

Sekkan means “unity” in the local Nahuatl language, and we will strive to create a community that brings individual members together with their many diverse strengths, talents, and capacities to create a greater “whole”. It is a community endeavour that is not just a project; it runs much more deeply. At the heart of Rancho Ecologico Sekkan is a passion for the health and well-being of humanity and the earth for the present and future times. We will live in a way that is self-sustaining, coexists with nature, contributes to the societal fabric of the surrounding areas, and acknowledges and honours the divine spark within each of us.

Every community member will enjoy the privacy of an individual lot and house. There will be many community activities to access and enjoy which will serve to bring members together in fun, artistic, and practical ways. The hacienda and future arts studio (in the envisioning stage at the moment!) will be the site of many such activities. There will also be practical work to carry out on the farm and in common spaces that will require the involvement of community members and serve to bring us together in meaningful ways.

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